Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Tigers Go See It: The Fire Department

 As part of our den activities, there are recommended trips that relate to the key lessons taught.  While we were "Keeping Ourselves Healthy and Safe," the Tigers took a trip to the Fire Department.  The firemen were very welcoming, being used to scout tours.  And being a small town always helps. It was a very hands on trip that the boys loved!

Meeting the firemen on duty
Z checking out the Thermal imaging gun

Exploring all the gear the engine has to carry

T and all the Tigers got to try out the seats in the back

Wishing he could be the driver?!

And little brothers had fun too

But the Scouts got to check out the driver's seat as well!

And try on the helmet...

 Not bad for our first Go See It.  The boys took home valuable lessons of what to do when you see a fire truck at work, how to stay safe and what the firemen do to stay safe.  Any trip that allows for climbing in a large, shiny red truck has got to be a success!

The boys also made a thank you note for our firemen, for the tour and the job they do to protect us.  Charged with the task of checking smoke alarms and planning a fire drill for their family, we adjourned for the evening.  But not before one last photo...

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