Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Corn Maize, where things got a little bit...errr..corny!

A bright, warm fall day found Pack 265 at the Corn Maize!  Looking to solve the mystery who kidnapped the farmer, the boys found their way through the maze, to stations.  Think of it as a giant game of Clue, but surrounded by corn!

Only two Tigers on this outing!

Heading off to get lost!

But we met up with some buddies at a check in point
 After we made our way out, and solved the mystery (you'll have to ask the boys, I don't remember "whodunit"), there was more fun to be had.
Bouncing on the giant pillow....

and taking a ride around the maze on the tram

Smiles all around for these Scouts! It was a fun day!

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