Saturday, March 16, 2013

Learning to work together

Mr. Jim led our Tigers the other night, and wow, did we all get some good teamwork practice!  First, they divided into two teams.  The Tigers were presented with a bag of items (a soda can, some Tinker toys, a pencil and a shoelace).  They had 5 minutes to discuss what they wanted to make out of the items, but couldn't touch the items.  Then, the teams had a few minutes that they could build, but not talk.  They all had fun creating items, and their comments about them were priceless!  One in particular, when a Tiger piped up, "I'm chatty!", in reply to why it was hard to work without talking!   

Oh, but then it was the leaders' turn.  And we failed miserably.  Looks like we all needed the lesson on teamwork!  Thanks Mr. Jim!

A parent shared some of her photos from the Christmas parade with us!

Happy Scouting!

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